Hello, friends....it's been a while since I've written and my last post was rather wah-wah, so I thought that I better write a new one with a more upbeat story. This past weekend I had the opportunity to have one of the best experiences of my marginally short life...I was able to visit Notre Dame University, see a game in the stadium, tailgate hard core style, and take a tour of the locker room (sans boys, le sigh) and walk out of the tunnel and onto the playing field. As lame as it sounds, I teared up a few times, realizing that I was somewhere that held a lot of significance to my family. I got to touch the Play Like a Champion Today sign! I got to see where the family box used to be! I got to watch a Notre Dame game FROM Notre Dame Stadium! And I got to do it all with my dad! It was one of the coolest things I've ever done and there aren't enough words to describe how important it was to me.
I've also started compiling a list of things I NEVER want to happen to me:
1. Being carjacked. (Not fun and I'm happy to say I could live without it happening to me)
2. Getting tasered. (I don't think I really even need to elaborate)
3. Having never ending hiccups. (I watched this mystery diagnosis show and this woman had the hiccups for 6 months and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.)
I've also decided that I don't like kids. Let me qualify that. I absolutely love and adore MY kid. Other people's kids I could definitely do without. Gavin is currently playing indoor soccer (he played it last year and had a really wonderful time) and I dread having to go and spend an hour being poked and stared at and run into and hit with wayward balls (I know, there's a joke in there, but we're all being adults) courtesy of all the ill-behaved, ill-mannered, ill-watched children that don't belong to me. Geez, people, if your kids can't behave, stay at home, I just want to be able to watch my kid play some soccer in peace!
I've also started compiling a list of things that make me ever so slightly angry
1. John McCain and Sarah Palin
2. The economic "Bailout"
3. People who want to make same-sex marriage illegal. Ummm....it kinda sounds like state sanctioned discrimination to me. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't God/Heavenly Father want his children to be happy? I'm just sayin'....
I caught my foot on the top of a box this morning and tripped headlong into a cement ceiling support beam. I think I may be concussed.
I've also started compiling a list of things that are full of awesome
1. My kid
2. Scott and the fact that I get to see him in 6 days
3. Autumn in Cache Valley
Ok. I think I've covered everything. I'm going to take a few ibuprofen and get to bed.
I saw a guy taser another guy. It was in my sister's kitchen. That's what happens when a cop comes to a party and some smartass says, "Hey--so what's it feel like to be tasered?"
From my perspective, it looked a little painful. Good call on adding it to your list.
you are funny and I miss you a lot.
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