Thursday, March 18, 2010

Shirtless Jacob Black....check.

Well, dear friends, I have finished my drug dosage and calculations class. I took my final yesterday, and with the exception of the diluent questions....damn diluents are my Achilles heel....I did pretty well. I ended up getting a 94.5 out of 100 on the final and a 96% out of the class. I must say that it feels good to check another class off my list! Now I just need to survive the next 4 weeks, and I'll be finished with physiology, too. I just finished my physiology lecture of the male reproductive was quite interesting and I learned quite a few it, Briskey....I know you're just dying to say something snarky, but keep your comments to yourself!!

I'm also unbelievably, nerdily excited for New Moon to come out tomorrow. I'm vacillating between being that nerdy grown-up who goes to Borders at midnight to buy it or just going to get it Saturday afternoon after I finish my homework. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how I'm feeling tomorrow!

Annette, I put on Twilight....for some odd, unexplainable reason, it makes me extremely sleepy.

And Lillith, I'm glad that your Edison Baby is sleeping better, mine, on the other hand, cries every morning because he's so tired, regardless of how early I make him go to bed!

And Quentie, I heard Jumpin' Jumpin' the other day and I instantly thought of you!


Kevin Doyle said...

Is it me or do you seem to be flying through this program? When do you expect to finish?

Congrats, again.

Q said...

Now that he's officially 18 I don't feel bad in saying the only reason I would ever RENT New Moon is b/c of Taylor Lautner.

I haven't heard Jumpin Jumpin in FOREVER - Finding it now on my iPod - and I haven't graced it with my vocals in a LONG time. Next Karaoke night it's totally coming out! ALSO in honor of you, I might bust out "Oh So Quiet" :)

The Bears said...

I spoke too soon. My Edison baby has returned in full force. At least I had a few days of rest. I've noticed he takes me to my breaking point and then backs of just enough.

The Jones' said...

Brace yourself for a long comment...

Of course I still read your blog! It's always a high point in my day/week...

My little sister made a list of her "idols" and then she found pictures of them on the internet and printed them off. She was going through them with me and most of them were pretty good. (Taylor Swift, Shel Silverstein, etc.) But then she whips out Taylor Lautner, Ashton Kutcher, and Channing Tatum. I was like Aubrey, are these idols or crushes? She gave a little smile and said,"Well... they ARE good actors.... but the main reason I printed them out was so I could do this..." Then she acted out a whole skit of the 3 boys kissing her and fighting over her. Her closing line was, "Okay boys, are you ready for your sleepover?" !!!!!!!!!!!

She's 10... That girl is whacked!

Hey by the way... I had a baby. He's getting so fun! His big personality develops more and more everyday.