Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Ahead? Kiss my ass.

I agree with your comment completely, Kevin. I mean, what happens if the goatherder chooses the Americans and then in a few years the Americans pull out of Afghanistan and that goatherder is left knowing that it's only a matter of time before he's executed for treason. The author of the book actually makes some really interesting points about respecting the rules of engagement when you're fighting someone who has no desire to follow them...what do you do you fight someone like that. It's an extremely interesting book, Kevin, you might want to look into reading it....he's got some elements of "Yay Jesus" and "Don't mess with Texas" and "I'm a Christian" that I found a little bit unnecessary, but I'm completely riveted by the fact that he never gave up...I can't vouch for the ending, as I'm not there yet, but if you're interested the book is called Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell if you get a free moment. How's Our Town going, by the way?

Today was a beautiful bright and sunshining day. I didn't have to wear my winter coat OR my scarf today and you know Spring is here because everybody has their scooters and motorbikes out. I love Spring in Logan!

I have my final for my drug dosage and calculations class on Wednesday. I know all the information is tucked away somewhere in my brain, I mean, I've learned it and been tested on it before, I'm just hoping my brain doesn't decide to do an information dump before then, otherwise, it could get very ugly! Sometimes I marvel at the fact that the thought of working in a busy hospital doesn't intimidate me, but taking tests makes me break out in hives!

Oh, and just for the record, I think Daylight Savings Time should die a slow and miserable death. That is all.


Q said...

I still don't understand why the time changes, it's just one of those things. I don't understand how Arizona & parts of Indiana got out of it, and yet about 97% of the world does it as well. It must be like us & Burma not adopting the metric system....

The Bears said...

I'm usually with you on daylight savings, but for some reason, my son has been sleeping better ever since. Thank Goodness!!!