I was IMing with Flood yesterday and he realized that we have been friends for 10 years. It seems so long ago and yet, yesterday. I look at myself at 20 and marvel that he even agreed to be my friend...I was so shy and socially awkward, but I'm sure glad he did...he was my first real college friend and I can always count on him to tell me the absolute truth...he was also my first real grown-up crush and there will always be a soft spot in my heart for him...and thanks for all the kind words yesterday, Floodikins, they really meant a lot.
And Briskey, I totally intended to give a shout out to you, but I was trying not to dwell on things longer than they needed to be dwelled on and as a result, you were edited out...but thank you for all your song suggestions, a lot of them made it onto the CD and have kept me out of the women's toilet!
And thanks, Lillith, it's comforting to know that someone as wonderful and beautiful as you has been on the receiving end of a dumping and went on to find someone really great...I guess everybody has their Willoughby before they have their Colonel Brandon!
I've added two more things to my Bucket List. One. I want to learn to play the guitar. I've wanted to learn to play an instrument for a while now, it used to be the cello, but who has the time to learn to play the cello, and besides, the cello is a little difficult to schlepp around to sing fireside during camp-outs or use it to pretend that I'm Neil Diamond. And two. I want to go to Buenos Aires and spend a couple of weeks learning to dance the Argentine Tango. There are several tango schools that cater to "tourists" and they teach you the tango during the day and the evenings are spent dancing the night away at dance clubs. I suppose I should probably learn some Spanish beyond my 8th & 9th grade ability to ask what time is it (que hora es?), so I think that's Part B to that addition.
My dad is coming up on Saturday. He and I have a date to go see Arlo Guthrie at work. My parents used to sing the motorcycle pickle song to us kids when we were growing up, so it'll be nice to hear what it's supposed to sound like!
You know what you need to do? Settle down and read some classics to remind yourself what a man is supposed to be like. I suggest starting with Jane Eyre. I'm rereading it for the third time and can barely put it down. Other books on that list include Gone With the Wind (Scarlett's tenaciousness is also a good booster) and, of course, P&P ("Jane Bennett, Lizzie Bennett!")
I heart you.
I don't remember the motorcycle pickle song.
Buenos Aires is supposed to be the new Paris.
I love you!
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