Sunday, May 17, 2009

Binary Solo

After much thought and consideration I have decided to go back to school and get my Practical Nursing degree (it's not an RN degree...I don't quite have the time to dedicate to that yet, but that's ultimately where I'm heading). I realized that I was the happiest when I was taking care of my ailing grandpa and that life is too short to not do what makes me happy. Right now I'm just doing the pre-requisites for the program, which will take me until Spring '10, since I'm doing all of them online, independent study, night courses and still working full time. I'll apply for the program this time next year and will hopefully be accepted to the program and begin it in the Fall of 2010. It seems like a very long journey to even get to the program, but it's what I want to do and I'm ready to do it. I already feel like I've wasted years of my life working to 'pay the bills' and I don't want to do that anymore. I figured I should probably explain why I won't be blogging much, as I have the sinking suspicion that all my free time is going to be filled with Human Anatomy and learning about gram-stain resistant diplococci.

I'm sorry you're feeling so unwell, Lillith. I was extremely lucky and beyond the first few weeks of pregnancy, I didn't have any morning sickness with Gavin. I would recommend drinking Coke Slurpees....there's something in the Coke syrup that is supposed to help with hurty tummies and the slush factor of a slurpee can instantly make anyone feel better...unless of course sweet things make you want to that case, I would recommend NOT actually trying it!! But take heart, I read an article that found a correlation between bad morning sickness and a higher intelligence in the birthed, you might just be carrying the next Albert Einstein! And don't make deals with the Pregnancy Fates. They NEVER keep up their end of the bargain!

Gavin and I were watching Best Week Ever on VH1 yesterday and a commercial for Daisy of Love came on...for those of you who don't know, Daisy of Love is a reality tv show where men compete for the affections of Daisy de la Hoya, a rejected suitor from Rock of Love with Bret Michaels. She's fake tits and fake hair and fake tan and not exactly classy. Anyway, when the commercial came on I turned to Gavin and told him that he was not to date any skanky girls and that he needed to date someone who had a brain and had opinions and was smart and funny. He then turned to me and said, "a girl like you." I nearly cried. That was the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me and it came out of the mouth of a six year old!


Lisa - The WagonMaster said...

You never told me you had a blog! I just happened to click on your name on one of the comments and I saw this. YAY! Hope you don't mind...

Anyway, you definitely should go back to school and get your degree. And then do you know where you should move? Seattle! Hello, hospice? I can hook you up and we'll split the 5000 they give you when you refer a nurse.

I always make it all come back to me, don't I? :)

The Bears said...

I love that you have made a decision. That's the hardest part. I go back and forth. I sometimes feel like I'm in the Sahara Desert, going over endless sand dunes and I'm about to give up on acting, but if I could only see a birds eye view, then I would know I was almost there. Then other days, I'm kicking myself for moving to LA instead of going to grad school right out of college. Who knows??? And I'll definitely try the coke slurpee suggestion.