Monday, May 11, 2009

Like a greased pig...

Gavin & I went the demolition derby this weekend. It. Was. AWE-SOME! They had a band that played all the rocking-est Classic rock tunes (Sweet Home Alabama, anyone?!) and the cars were ridiculous. It was as white trash as you could get (they had a greased pig contest for heaven's sakes), but he and I had the best time and he spent yesterday playing “derby” with his hot wheels…well, when he wasn’t pretending to be a dog.

A friend’s father was killed last week. It was a freak accident and completely unexpected. By all accounts he was a kind man who loved the church, his wife and his family. I was thinking about his wife as I was walking to work this morning. I was wondering how does someone ever recover from that—losing your husband? How do you wake up in the morning and go about your day knowing that the bed is going to be empty and the dirty socks aren’t going to be on the bathroom floor and you’re cooking for one now? How do you fight against the darkness that could any moment suck you in and never let you back out again? And even more, how do you get out once it does?

For Mother’s Day, my son gave me a picture he drew at school. The picture was of me and on the backside it had a little list of reasons I’m great. I think my favorite was the last line that said “I don’t know why I love her, I just do.” It’s funny, but that kinda encapsulates the way I feel about him, too. I think that is the only explanation you can give when you truly love someone…you don’t know why…in fact, there might be a few things that drive you crazy about them, but it doesn’t matter, because you just do.

Thanks for the advice Briskey. And I promise to call you sometime when I don’t have a problem!

Congratulations on the play, Ann-ette! That is VERY exciting. I’m very proud of you. I wish I could come and see it. But why such a serious topic?! Couldn’t you write a sweet, light play about two friends who eat too much bow-tie pasta…you could call it the Greg & Danny Show!


Brian said...

Baby, you can call me or text me ANYTIME. I'm always here for you. But I do miss the days when we would chat about Top Model and not just boys. ;)

annette said...

I just love you, too. Glad your Momma's Day was complete with your baby boy tugging at your heartstrings.

Chrislynn said...

It is amazing how little boys know how to put things in just the right way. Your little guy is awesome (of course the awesomeness is inherited).