Thursday, February 26, 2009


I was watching The Daily Show the other morning while I was eating my breakfast and they had the president of Amazon as the guest. He was coming on to promote the Kindle 2.0. Now, I don't know if you all are far more tech savvy and actually know what the Kindle is, but if you don't, essentially it's a hand held screen that allows the reader to download hundreds of thousands of books and read them off the screen. The president was singing its praises and talking about how revolutionary it is and how the books will only cost $10 and take just seconds to download. I was struck by an irrational anger and a slight sadness. I love walking to the bookstore. I love the smell of a new book. I love to bring it home and break its spine. I love when the pages of much-loved and often-read books turn up at the corners. I don't want this new fangled technology to signal the demise of the book. I bet the dumb Kindle won't let you underline the lines of Keats you love or make notes in margins of Man's Search for Meaning. I have vowed to NEVER own one. NEVER.

On the subject of books. Thanks, Kevin for recommending Suite Francaise. I've only just started it and I find myself really liking it. So far the Michauds are my favorite! I also picked up The Reader and begun reading that, too. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. The author writes in a very antiseptic way, but for some odd reason it works. Although, I find myself wondering if the story was reversed and it was a 36 year old man and a 15 year old girl, would I find myself enjoying the story as much as I am.

I read an article yesterday about a radio dj who recommended to men that after having sex with their girlfriends that they should put tabasco in the discarded condom to protect the men from the women using the expelled sperm to impregnate themselves. I wondered why these men would be in a relationship with a woman they couldn't trust. But more important than that, why would a woman WANT to get pregnant knowing that the man would probably leave and she'd be left to raise the child alone? Then I got to thinking and wondered if this was really something that non-psychotic weirdo men are actually worried about and is the drastic step of concocting an ejaculatory hot sauce something a man would do.

In the vein of relationships--I'm not entirely sure I'm built for one! I feel like by the time women are my age, they have a few relationships under their belts and have some idea of what they're doing. I, on the other hand, have absolutely NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING!!! There's gotta be a self-help book for severely insecure 30 year old women who are in their first actual relationship with a man who has no intention of knocking them up!!

I finally got Scott's Metal & Iron Maiden Appreciation CDs. Oh. My. It's A LOT of metal, friends. A LOT. I haven't been able to listen to all the songs in their entireties yet, but I might just be a closet The Cult fan!

Annette, I'd like to submit the names Thomas and Emmerie for your consideration. With Thomas, it can fit whatever the kid's personality is--if he's straight-laced and Type-A, you can call him Thomas. If he's laid back and goes with the flow, you can call him Tom. If he's a scrapper and likes whiskey and loose women, you can call him Tommy. And Emmerie is what Gavin was going to be called if he was a girl...I know it's two "eeee" names together, but I think it's a pretty name with a great nickname potential.

Briskey, I hope that the packing goes well. I often joke that I'm not moving anymore. I've packed and unpacked enough that the next time I'm moving I'm starting the entire place on fire and starting over! I'm sorry about the kitties, but they'll have a good and happy home and that's what's important.

1 comment:

Kristiana said...

Ugh, I hate electronic books with a passion. I refuse to own one too.

I read "Suite Francaise" a few years ago and liked it. I'm sure you will too.

I'm not even going to comment on the tabasco sauce thing. That's too messed up.