Tuesday, August 19, 2008

F-U-N...sound it out...

Good morning! It's Tuesday. There is little else I can say. Isn't there something mildly soul crushing about Tuesdays. And especially now that Dean & Tori is over, what do I have to look forward to...I ask you, what?! So my son went to his kindergarten evaluation yesterday. Essentially, it's 30 minutes of some gentle-voiced woman (a Mrs. Cook in our case) asking a whole bunch of questions to determine whether or not my son is a dummy. I am happy to report that he is NOT a dummy and we shall be finding out on Thursday who his kindergarten teacher is and if he'll be in the morning or afternoon session. All very exciting, I assure you. I still can't get over the fact that my son is 5! I remember being five....I remember being a witch for Halloween and the time the leprechauns came to class on St. Patrick's Day and left a trail of gold glitter...it seems strange that my son is now old enough to make and remember memories...very strange, indeed.


Brian said...

I'm glad that someone else shares my disgust of Tuesday's. Everyone thinks Monday is the killer but it's Tuesday that does all the damage--only no one talks about it. Tuesday is totally an SBD.

annette said...

He's your son--of course he's brilliant! I could have told you that without the lame interview.

Is it tearing at your heart-strings a little to have Gavin starting school? Kristy keeps saying, "But Will's mine! I don't want to share him!" And she has 2 other rugrats tearing up her house!