Monday, August 25, 2008

Mom. I have school tomorrow. I need my rest.

Just a quick note to let you all know that Gavin survived and thrived during his first day at kindergarten. He thinks Mrs. Cook is very nice. She let him play with the airplanes and the snakes, but not the dinosaurs. There were no tears today, from either of us, and he's very excited to go back tomorrow, so I suppose it was a success all-around. The funny thing is that he had homework. That's right. He's five and he had homework! He now knows what sound a, b, c & e make. For all you theatre folks, all of Adrienne's classes are actually helpful in a non-theatrical capacity...who knew!


annette said...

Tomorrow's homework: Learn and memorize "Trinidad and the big Mississippi..."

Brian said...

and the lake titikaka and the....port of imports and exports? did it go again?